A time of festivity, parties, shopping, entertaining, religious observances, family gatherings, and decorating, the holiday season can be full of excitement and promise. However, with this time of year inevitably comes stress.
For many, the first signs of holiday stress emerge around Halloween, when stores start stocking shelves with Christmas decorations and candies. People begin to feel the clock ticking and that there is not enough time to fit in everything. We often have higher expectations for this time of year than for any other, which places even more pressure on us and increases the likelihood we may end up disappointed.
Signs of stress may include feeling impatient, worried, cranky, and, in some cases, depressed. People might experience sleep or appetite disturbances, or other physical complaints such as muscle tension, headache, fatigue, or stomach aches. Children are not immune to this stress. Parents set the pace for their kids, and they, too, can feel the sense of urgency.
Following are some tips to help you minimize holiday stress. Major themes in these recommendations include:
• Simplify.
• Let go of unrealistic expectations, particularly the desire for perfection.
• Invest your energies wisely.
Some tips to Instantly Reduce Stress
Laugh Out Loud
Pet your Dog
Clean the Clutter
Drink some OJ
Sing a Song
Take a Walk
Chew some Gum
Take a Deep Breathe
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