Green Monster!!!!

Share with us your pictures and recipes!!!  Or we can just discuss how AMAZING they are :)
Again, the website for more info is:


  1. I purchased the ingredients to make these after our meeting on Wednesday! I LOVE IT!! Even my 7 year old son is a fan ;) I purchased Vanilla flavored Designer Whey Protein powder from the Vitamin Shoppe and it's not that bad! I will bring some of the powder to our next meeting for anyone who might want to try some of it.

  2. What is your recipe for this again?
    i tried to make it over the weekend, but i seemed to be missing something. It tasted just like strawberrys and was to runny.

  3. My recipe is: 8 ozs Almond Milk, 1/2 C. Blueberries, 3 chunks frozen pineapple, 1/2 banana and 2 C fresh baby spinach. Blended together with one equal and 1/2 C Ice :) Yum!
