Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Restaurant Eating...

A recent study from the University of Arkansas says a mouthful: The average diner underestimates his or her calorie count by up to 93 percent when eating out. So every time you step through a restaurant door, you may be consuming twice what you bargained for. And that’s bad news for all of us: This year American’s will spend $500 billion — half of our total food dollars — eating out. It’s a double-dip disaster: More meals out, more calories consumed, more trouble from expanding waistlines.

I should know. During a single day recently I visited three big chain restaurants, ordered normally, and demonstrated how you can easily consume a whopping 6,000 calories — three times the recommended total. No, I didn’t eat a mountain of onion rings or a whole extra-large pizza. In fact, I didn’t even have snacks or dessert — just three square meals, including a bran muffin, a burrito, and a salad. It’s the way millions of Americans eat all the time, thinking they’re doing pretty well.

The good news is you can eat on the run — helping yourself to a lot of delicious food — and still lose weight. You just need a strong sense of determination and a wary eye for the food traps. Start now by making smart choices like those discussed [at this week's meeting on in this week's flyer], and you’ll be much [healthier]! - David Zinczenko "Eat this Not that!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nutrition Secrets - Revealed

Keep serving dishes off the table.
Researchers have found that when people are served individual plates, as opposed to empty plates with a platter of food in the middle of the table, they eat up to 35 percent less
Think before you drink.
The average person drinks more than 400 calories a day--double what he or she used to--and alone gets around 10 teaspoons of added sugar every single day from soft drinks. Swap out sweetened teas and sodas for no-cal drinks and you could lose up to 40 pounds in a single year! For example, SoBe Green Tea , packs as much sugar as in 4 slices of Sarah Lee Cherry Pie.
Practice total recall.
British scientists found that people who thought about their last meal before snacking ate 30 percent fewer calories that those who didn't stop to think. .
Eat protein at every meal.
Dieters who eat the most protein tend to lose more weight while feeling less deprived than those who eat the least protein. It appears that protein is the best nutrient for jumpstarting your metabolism, squashing your appetite, and helping you eat less at subsequent meals.

Just to name a few...

Review this week's flyer or come to a meeting to learn more.